Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thank So Much To Teacher Richard Blum
Thursday, December 29, 2005
My Anniversary
Many people complement me about my life being happy. That is very true, because I have a good husband and two lovely kids. I am proud of them.
Our life is quiet. We don't have relatives and friends around here. Every summer we take a vacation. We enjoy it very much when we are together. My kids are especially happy when they are close to their parents. We talk and have fun.
Sometimes, I don't remember my anniversary day I even forget my birthday, also. Most of the time my husband or my daughter remind me. I don't know why? I do not pay attention to these particular days so much. Perhaps, it is because in my country people don't celebrate the annversary day.
I've been living in America for 16 years, but I still keep my traditions. I like the traditions of Chinese, Vietnamese and American culture. I like to pick and choose the good things that each culture has to offer me.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas Gift for My Son
A few days ago before Christmas. Suddenlly, he wraped it back the PSP and put it under the Christmast tree. I looked at it, I felt funy and laugh. Then I talked to him. Hey! Randy, you already played the game. Now you put it under the tree. He felt embarrassed and smile.
My Wonderful Son
Oh! My son was indeed a wonderful son! He didn't require on me too much.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Gift of the Magi
Read the story.
Use these flashcards to improve your vocabulary.
Take a vocabulary quiz.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Outside, it is raining. It fall down with a gentle rain. It's soaking wet for a few hours of the rain.
After the rain, it look dark now. Cars are full on the street. It made a lot of sound from the cars driving with the wet of the road. It is time people get out from work. The squall of rain doesn't want to stop. It still continue on and on . . . .
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Car Driving Dilemma
My brother in law is my first driving teacher. He is very careful in driving. When we need to stop at the intersection, I have to brake slowly and must not stop suddenly. This would be a bit difficult for me because I need to look for trafic lights or signs very far ahead. At the same time I must not slow down my car to speed lower than speed limits indicated in the signs. Especially, he asks me to accelerate very fast when there is green lights but while doing this I sometimes either swerve out of my lane when I make a turn or head to the car parking at the corner of roads where I turn a sharp right into.
My other driving teacher is my girlfriend. She, on the other hand, is a very fast and daring driver. She asks me not to foot on break so often, to slow down to much, and to change lane to maintain speed and get out of stuck points as fast as I can and sometimes by ways against what I read in the driver handbook.
Hmm, although I drive to school every day, I am still very nervous of the trafic and more of my "driving teacher's" supervision.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Job Fair
Many people were waiting in line in front of the Senior Center building when I got there.
After waiting about fifty five minutes, I got into a big room which was prepared for the job fair.
So many visitors were there that I could not move easily among them. Fortunately I got some information from the exhibitors, but I found that most of the exhibitors did not provide application forms for the applicants. Applicants could only write down their name, address and phone number on the visitors' list.
I did not get any application forms from the job fair, but I felt that this kind of job fair is necessary because many people need a job!
I Escaped from My Country
The first night, we took a small boat to a transfer point and boarded a biger boat. There were 112 people on the boat. The captain took us out to sea that night. We continued the second day. That night our boat had trouble. Water came into our boat a lot. People were very exhausted.We had two days with no food and no drink. Everybody vomited and was uncomfortable with sea sickness. No one helped bail the water out. We were waiting to die. I was the one who was scared to die in the ocean. I said that we could pass the buckets of water from person to person and pour out. They followed what I said and finally the water had gone. The captain fixed the boat and we continued for the third day. On the third day, we were dissappointed because we were lost. The boat was floating on the ocean. We didn't know where we were. It was good luck for us. We saw a Thai ship presently. They were not the pirates. They gave us food and showed us the direction. We were very happy and thanked them for the food they had given us because we were starving for many days. We cooked fish porridge on the boat and went in the direction that they showed us. At dawn, we saw a Malaysian ship. They saved us and let us come a board their ship. They gave us a lot of food. We stayed on the ship overnight. The next day morning we transferred to another ship and went to a Malaysian refugee camp.
I have to thank my lucky stars that I survived.
I have to count my blessings for the great happiness I have today.
The Misery of the People of South Vietnam
The Communists came to South of Vietnam with the poor and greedy. They robbed the weath of people. Some people couldn't stand it. They committed suicide. The Communists still weren't satisfied. They pillaged properties of people from the high class to the medium class. They never released people who were rich. They wanted tight control of people. They wanted to change South Vietnam quickly. They didn't let people breathe. They didn't care about the hatred of people. They wanted to do whatever they wanted.
Soon afterward, people couldn't suffer the regime of the Communists. They found the ways to escape. In fact, it was not easy. If they didn't succeed, the police discovered them and put them in jail. I was the lucky one. I escaped.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
My Brand New Car
I love the B M W car's color very much, because it's a popular color. Now, I have to be very careful for using this car. I told my children to keep this car very clean, because they liked to eat junk food in my old car. Sometimes, they dropped chip crumbs. This caused a smell in the car.
My husband wanted to buy me a car few years ago, but I said: "Wait, don't buy it yet. It's not the right time to have it." A few weeks ago, his car broke down. We had people fix. It was expensive, so he decided to buy this B M W car.
He wanted to buy this car for me to drive, but I didn't think I needed it, because my work is close. I only drive to pick up and drop off my kids at school. I'd better let my husband drive the new car, because he works in Freemont. It's a long way.
He said, next week, he will return the car to me to drive. I am a little bit worried, because in Oakland it isn't very safe. If somebody scratches my car, I will feel bad, because I love it very much. I don't want to see any scratches on my brand new car.
This is the first time in my life I have a brand new car. I have to keep it very nice all the time.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday after Thanksgiving Day
In fact, we went shopping just to take a look more than to buy, because we already have enough of everything. We only buy if something is very inexpensive and looks nice, because we are frugal shoppers.
We went to the New Park mall to take a look. It was crowned! Every store was full of people to getting into long lines. It's lucky for us. We didn't find anything that we liked. We would have to spent a lot of time in line.
It is not long before, we left to go to the South Land mall. We stopped at an In & Out Burger. We had our lunch there. It was full of people. We couldn't find the seats. Finally, we found one seat. The food came. Two of us had to stand to eat. Although we were standing to eat, we enjoyed it very much.
Soon after, we get to the South Land mall. It was a little bit hard to find a space for parking. We went round and round for a few blocks and finally we got a parking space.
South Land was just like New Park mall. We went around and took a look. It was crownded also, but no one wanted to take a picture with the Santa at the picture place. It was, maybe, still too early.
Eventually, we bought a few things and then we went home.
We enjoyed shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, because it had a different atmosphere than other days.
Ceramic Chickens
A few days ago. When I was eating dinner, I saw the chickens in front of me. It was so cute. Suddently, I thought I had to give to my teacher one of these chickens on Thanksgiving day to made him smile. I picked a nice one to give to him. I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl chicken.
My daughter complained to me. She said: "Mom, you should not have separated the chickens. They were a pair. They needed to be together. They will miss each other." She made me laugh a lot. Then she said again: "You should give your teacher a pair of chickens".
Then, later, my son came out from his room. Joanna told him: "Mom gave her teacher one of your chickens". He said: "Never mind, she can give me $5 dollars."
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thanksgiving Day
We like to enjoy food in San Jose, because it is very good. We enjoy driving in the car for a long distance from Oakland to San Jose. Especialy, I am lazy. I don't like to be the driver. Sometimes, it can't be helped. So I have to drive.
After we ate, we drove around to take a look and we bought some food that we like.
My children are happy when they go out with their parents. They like holiday atmosphere very much, so that, if there is a chance like today, I never miss it.
After we got home, my daughter said "Tonight we have no food for Thanksgiving." I had to cook a cury meal to symbolize our the Thanksgiving holiday.
Anyway, my family had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday. We enjoyed the food and being together very much.
Restaurant Peony
Authentic Hong Kong Cuisine
Seafood & Barbeques
Famous Dim Sum Lunch
Business Hours
Monday thru Friday
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sat / Sun /Holiday
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday thru Thursday
5:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Friday & Saturday
5:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Pacific Renaissance Plaza, Suite 288 * 388 9th Street, Oakland, California 94607
Tell: (510) 286-8866 * Fax: (510) 286-8868
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The Greatest Gift to My Teacher
If today is Thanksgiving day. I don't know what gift to give to my teacher to make him feel happy, because he is a "teacher." The only thing he needed just write something very nice to him.
I'd like to say "thanks" very. . .very much to my teacher. He is the one who gives me the resource in English. However, it's not a lot , but it enough for me to feel confident to socialize at my job. I really like it with what he has helped me, because this is only right thing for me.
I'd like to appreciate to my teacher again for the organization of the blogger; to let me have a opportunity to develop my writing and speaking skill.
I feel very lucky a student under his teaching, because he has given me many chances to improve in my studies.
I'll never foget my teacher for the enthusiasm he has given me as student.
Your student
Cam Hong
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Customer from Chicago
She told me, the reason she come back to me was because I'm sweet and she like the way I'm talking to her. She said she knew my husband. Her father bought a car from my husband. They both talked to each other and told her father I'm the one cut her hair. She complemented about me to her dad. Her dad said, my husband is a handsome and honest man. He like him
She said her dad rarely to complements people, but he complemented my husband. She said: It's very rare to see a couple like me and my husband.
My Customer
Jay is Indian. He is a big and tall man. He likes talking. Sometimes, he comes to get a hair cut and dyes his hair. He takes advantage for color his hair and then he talks a lot. I'm just the one hear more than I talk, because I can't talk much, but he didn't feel bored with I'm very quiet.
Now, he moves to Freemont, but he still comes to my shop to get a hair cut and color. Sometimes, he passes by and horns to let me look out andwaves hand with him.
Jay has the same with my age. He likes to say: If he going out with me, people think he is my father, because he is too big and I'm so tiny.
My Hats
When I was a teenager. Most of the time, I had forgotten a few hats in my class room. Everyday I come to class andput my hat in the drawer and then my backpack next. untill I get out from school. I had forgotten about my hat. It happened a few times a year.
Therefore, I had always have a new hat to wear. My mom had always said I spent too much of her money on hats.
Sometimes, on my job, it make me laugh and feel funny, because the customers and me misunderstood each other. It looks like duck and chicken talking together.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Good Dinner
Everyday, after dinner, I have to prepare food for tomorrow. If not, I don't enough time to have done for the dinners. My time is very tight. So that, I can't cook a very good meal for my family. Except my day off.
My daughter, after Chinese shool. She come home, she like to say: "We study hard, but come home, we have good food to eat. My children, when they are hungry. They like to come in the kitchen look what food do I cook. If they like it. They want to eat as quikly as possible.
Most my family are count on me. Therefore, I have to keep good in shape myself. I have to keep my physical heathy. If not, a lot of thing are waiting for me everyday.
In America, most wives' life are harder than husbands, because they are always the care giver of the family. They have so much chores to do. Beside of making money. After work, they have to take care of children, cook and clean up the house. Oh no! It's so hard life for the women in America.
I thought the women in America is on the top, because there is a phrase "Ladies first". In fact, it is not true. Ladies are at the bottom. They work so much and so hard.
Women are not an Eden in America!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Oakland Chinatown Restaurants
The Silver Dragon restaurant is on the corner of Webter & 9 st in Chinatown.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hong Kong EAST OCEAN Seafood Restaurant
While you're eating, you can enjoy the Golden Bridge, the Bay Bridge and the ocean. At daytime, after eating, you can walk around the coast behind the restaurant. It's very poetic place.
This restaurant is belong to Emeryville city. It's romantic place.
The food of this restaurant is good. The services here is number 1. It's elegant restaurant.
Monday, November 14, 2005
My First Post
Recently, you advised me to write something in order to let you correct it. I really appreciate your kindness to the fullest.
I am proud to be your student. I realize that I have learned more than I expected and I have met many friendly classmates.
I admire how they continue to progress in their studies. On the other hand, it is not that easy for me to learn something new. Spelling is especially difficult for me. I have to look up many words in the dictionary because of my failing memory. It is a shame!
At the same time, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to say "Hello" to everyone in our class.
Have a nice day!
Sincerely, your student,
My Teenager
One day, I saw her bring a vase of paper flowers to put on her table. I really like it and then I asked: Who made it? She said: She did. I told her show me how to make it. She agreed. Then next week I came to her house with the flower paper that I bough. She showed me and we made it for a few flowers. Later on, she said: I just showed you only!
On summer time, some of my classmates and I liked to ride bicycle to visit our teacher. She lived in suburband. She moved from outside country. So that, she is lonely. She liked students visit her very much. One time, she kept us to having dinner.
I like to close to my teacher. Therefore, every summer time I like very much to let my teacher wrote me something on my book and then my classmates wrote me, next. I liked to keep this book like a souvenia.
Last three years, I've been back my country. Accidentally, I saw the book in a draw. I opened and read it. I saw a picture of classmates have taken with teacher together. I'd like to visit her very much, but I didn't know where is she now?
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Cam's Umbrella
She like to study English very much in this class. Certainly, she paid attention to what the teacher's teaching.
Near noon time, the rain stopped and the sun was bright. After school, she went happily to her barba shop. When she was working, she felt she had lost someting, but she couldn't say what it was. She thought over and over. Eventually, she remembered that she lost her umbrella, but she couldn't find it in her shop. She thought it could be left in school. So that , next day, she went to school early. She got into classroom hurry. Several classmates were there. She looked over the tables and under tables. But she could not find it. She was disappointing. At that time, a classmate asked: " Who's umbrella is hanging on the wall? " She turned her head toward to the wall. A black umbrella was hanging on the wall near her seat. She shouted out : " Oh, that's right my umbrella! " Classmates laughed together.
( P.S. Cam, excuse me for using you as a main charactor in this story. You are the most dilligent student writing essaies. I hope your name could appear on this blog one more time. )
Welcome You Guys on The Blog!
Welcome you guys on the blog!
I'm very glad to see you guys full on the blog. I'm waiting you guys to appear on it, because I feel lonely. I hope you guys keep writing on the blog more often!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
My Country
The capital of my country is Hanoi, it's in North of Vietnam. Many travelers like to visit there for a famous place called; "Ha Long Bay" It's attractive sightseeing.
In the Central of Vietnam. There is a famous place called: "Hue". It's one of a wonderland sightseeing also.
Saigon city is in the South of Vietnam. (Now the name has changed to Ho Chi Minh city),but I like to keep the name "Saigon". Saigon is ideal city. There are many entertainments over there and even match with every ages. People like it very much to hang around there for enjoying good food and meet people each other every night.
In additional, Da Lat , Nha Trang, Vung Tau are the famous places.
Da Lat is a place has cold weather. It's very poetic sightseeing.
Nha Trang is wonderful beach. Everybody complement it for the first time visit Nha Trang.
Vung Tau is a place for people who like swimming. It's beautiful also.
Anyway, my country is small country, but it has many, many wonderland and attraction sightseeing .There are a lot of good lands. Beside that, there are many great mountains and nice rivers also.
I love my country very much! However I'm in America now, but sometimes, I miss and would go back to visit my country for every time in several years.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Apologizing to Our Teacher
Oh no! "We are sorry about that!" From now on, "Don't be angry! Be happy!" You'll look younger and heathier. We need your teaching very much! We're really afraid of you losing your hair and then we won't recognize our teacher!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Questions Lin Might Ask Mr. Dill in an Interview
How soon can I get a raise? *
Is there a possibility for advancement?
What are the benefits?
What is the job schedule?
Who will be my supervisor?
Who can I talk to if I need help on the job?
Are workers encouraged to make suggestions?
When can I start?
Are you very busy?
Will I share tips? *
Are there opportunities to work other shifts?
How soon will you make your decision?
*May not be appropriate to ask in the interview. sometimes it is better to get this information prior to the interview.
Questions the Mr. Dill Might Ask Lin in an Interview
Do you have a car?
Are you reliable?
Are you punctual?
Which restaurants did you work in before?
Why do you want this position?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
How long did you work at your last job?
Why did you leave?
Can we contact your previous employer for references?
How did you hear about this job?
What was your position in your last job?
Do you have any relatives working in our company?
Do you have any references we could contact?
Are you good with people?
Do you like working with the public?
Are you comfortable talking on the telephone?
Are you comfortable handling phone calls?
How many languages do you speak?
Are you good with numbers?
Can you count money accurately?
Are you organized?
Do you have any experience working in a restaurant?
What did you do?
Do you know how to operate a _________?
Are you interested?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
My Classmate
I really like to sit close to Mei, because she lets me copy her grammar excercises. When the teacher is in a hurry, I can't finish on time. I'm a slow student. I am scared the teacher will call on me, so I copy from Mei first, and then I go home and do it again.
I like talking with Mei, because she is so cute and very sweet. She likes me to hold her hand to let me warm it up when she gets cold. She looks like my little sister.
She likes to help me when I don't understand the meaning of the words.
Sometimes, I don't understand her because Chinese is not my native languge.
Every Friday she says, "I will meet you on the weekend." Although, the words are not true, she makes me feel good.
We had known each other for a very short time when we sat together, but I felt Mei and I had a special relationship. I like her very much!
I need her picture to post under this essay. Can any classmate help me do that. Thank you very much!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
My Class
Sometimes, I feel sad about my slowness. I try my best to study every night. I read the story many times. I try to read it clearly, but I feel still have a Vietnamese accent. I don't like it. I want my reading to be perfect, because I practiced it many times already. I'd like to sound like a professional. Am I so greedy?
I read the grammar sheet for understanding. Then I practice reading each sentence. I want my reading to go moothly. Sometimes, I can't get the meaning right away, so, I have to take a long time for my reading. Sometimes, I don't have enought time to study.
I like my class, because the classmates are frendly. They are modest and help each other.
I like the atmosphere of this class, it makes me feel so comfortable. I hope this class can last longer and longer. . . . . . .
Thursday, November 03, 2005
My Favorite Thing to Do
When I see somebody talks very good, I'm very much enjoy it. I'd like to hear and learn from them clearly. I want to get and keep it in my mind what I think it is good. I'd like to develop my talking skill.
I like to make people happy with my talking. I'd like to let people have a good impression of mine. I like to offer people nice words.
I think" good talking" is very helpfull. It brings many succeed for us like: business, socialize, Job, family ect. . . .
"Good talking" can persuade people.
"Good talking" can satisfy people.
Listening To Music
I like to listen some of classic music and soft music. Usually, I like listening music in a quiet situation. The classic and soft music make me feel calm and relaxation.
I enjoy listening to music which I like.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
My Lovely Son
Randy has been a well behaved son from the time he was a baby. He likes to play by himself and gives me time to do another things. He is a wonderful son.
Randy spends too much time on his games and T.V on the weekends. I don't like it, but I can't make him play less. I have to work on the weekends, so I leave my children at home. They both can do whatever they want.
Lately, Randy doesn't speaks Vietnamese with me. He has changed a lot. He doesn't care whether I understand English or not. He only talks English. Now he is making me learn English as quickly as possible.
Randy is twelve years old now, but he still crys when I yell at him. Sometimes I forece him to study Chinese for the test. He doesn't like it and then he cries.
I seldom bring my kids go shopping on the weekends. Sometimes, I feel I am not doing the best job as a parent because I don't spend enough time with my children.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Click here
Keep smiling!
Monday, October 31, 2005
My teacher
My teacher has a nice voice. His tone is communicative. However, he is aging now but he looks like a kid. He likes to have fun. He would rather make people laugh than cry. He is a happy person who always smiles at the world. He gives to the world a lot, a lot. . . .of happiness.
In America, most students call teacher by their first name. But I don't, I like to call him " teacher." I respect him very much. I like him, because he correct my homework. He always gives me nice words. I made him busy with my essays. Sometimes, I feel guity. But I have no choice. I really need him to help me improve my English. On my job, sometimes, I don't feel confident because my grammar is still poor. I can't make good in sentences. I'm not happy about my English. I confuse people with my talking.
Anyway, Richard is a good teacher and he has enthursiam for his students. He likes helping people. I like him because he is the one who always pushes me to study. He made me feel confident in speaking. I hope this class continues to let me have a opportunity to develope my talking.
He is a patient teacher. I have learned a lot of from him. I won't forget the happy face he has!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
My Daughter's Birthday
She has never asked me to buy anything for her birthday, but I want to buy her somethings surprise her. Finally, I buy a birthday cake for her. She is very happy and enjoy eating the birthday cake with her brother.
Last night, Joanna was set up her birthday in my electric dictionary. So, this mornig I went to check a new word and I saw her birthday is show up in my dictionary. She is a very careful girl. She doesn't want me forget her birthday.
I feel like people like it over there very much because there are more people who gives out candy and the houses are close by. For that reason, the number of "trick or treaters" has been increasing year after year.
A few days ago, I asked my kids if they wanted to trick or treat in Alameda. They seemed to be not interested. They didn't answer me.
I want them to be happy and excited. Maybe I have to change where we go to get candy, but I don't know of a place that is close by where they can get a lot of candy and have fun.
Do any classmates know about places to go to get Halloween candy?
Please, let me know and show me how to get there. Thank you very much!
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
My Feeling
I want my English to get rich to let me can protect myself.
I feel shy if my English is poor.
I feel like having a hindrance on my way if my English is lack.
English is my priority and it is a big challenge for me also.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Aren't You Interested in Sharing, Are You?
I thought, the blogger here is the place for all of us to share the ideas, to exchange the knowledge and conversation each other.
The list of members are increasing, but the writers seem to be reduce.
Aren't you interested to share with me, are you?
Do you regret with a chance have gone?
The opportunity comes only at once, try your best!
I'd love to hear more feedback from you guys.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Land by Leo Tolstoy
I Enjoy My Job
My job is in customer services. So, I have to take good care and make my clients happy with my work. I like to take time with them when I'm not very busy. I like talking with customers to build the relationships with them.
I have many picky customers.
My challenge is to honor every customer request.
I'm very happy when I see my customers walk out with happy faces. I feel rewarded. All my hard work is paid off.
Most my customers are loyal. They don't mind to come back if I'm very busy. They are my main source of income.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
My Birthday's Present
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Ben and Jerry Ice-Cream Makers
It was during the generation called "hippies ". Hippies believed that people should think more about peace and love and less about making money. It wasn't cool to be a businessman at that time. Ben and Jerry's goal was to make people happy with their ice cream, not to get rich.
In the first year, the business wasn't making money. But Ben & Jerry had promised to celebrate their aniversary by giving away ice cream. Every year on May 5 is "Free Cone Day" for all the Ben & Jerry stores.
For the next three years, Ben and Jerry sales increased but they failed to make a profit for each year. It was clear that they had to make a choice: raise prices or go out of business. So, they raised their prices.
In 1980, Ben and Jerry began expanding their business. They started selling their ice-cream in local stores. The ice cream was a big hit with the public. Time magazine call it the" best ice cream in the world ". Today, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream is sold in nearly every state.
Ben and Jerry also feel there is a spiritual aspect to business which is usually overlooked. Love, kindness and caring need to be a part of every aspect of our lives.
Ben and Jerry have proven that a socially responsible business can indeed work!
Ben and Jerry make great ice cream! But they also use their business as a tool for social change. Their commitment to social values has paid off big in profits and loyalty of their customers and employees.
People love their ice cream. It looks like my children love it, also. After my kids read about Ben and Jerry's history they believe in Ben & Jerry's ice-cream even more.
Now, they only eat Ben & Jerry ice-cream. That's why?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
To Visit Young Museum

Last Sunday, My family and I visited the M.H. de Young Museum.( see picture )
It is located at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. This museum is a sleek copper-clothed building. This 293,000-square-foot museum has 3 exhibition levels. At the northeast corner of the building stands a 144 foot-tall tower.
A lot of the display objects have been showed off. The heaviest objectt is the Olmec " Colossal head no.4 ". It weighs 5 tons. ( see picture )
We did not have enough time to see everywhere, so we just visited the first floor and left before it closed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
About Grammar
Can I answer this exercise like this: "How long have they married?"?
Last week, in unit 43, 43.1 no.7, the answer was: " Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion."
Can I answer this exsercise like this: " Three men are said to be arrested after the explosion."?
Teacher could please give me some corrections.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My favorite Relative
Joanna is good at communicating with me. We like going out shopping, eating and doing laundry together. She likes to talk and ask about funny things to make me laugh. She know how to make jokes and make me happy.
She loves making cake. She made a birthday cake with decorations for her brother. On Mother's Day, she made some paper roses by herself and gave them to me.
She is a busy girl. After English school, she comes home. She eats a snack, takes a shower, and then it is time to go to Chinese school. For several years, she has been an excellent student in both schools. She won many medals in English school and got reward checks from the Chinese school, also.
Joanna is nosy. She read my essays on the computer, then she said, "Your writing does not make sense. I don't understand it." Then I said, "It's O. K., my teacher understands my writing."
I feel pround of her and hope, that when she grows up, she will stay close to me, because she is the one, who brings me a lot of hapiness and laughter. I love her very very much . . . .
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Trip to Hawaii

Last summer, my family and I went to
It took about six hours to fly to
It didn't take too long before we got to
On the second day, we took the Atlantic tour. That tour lasted a few hours. We went into a submarine, saw fish, seaweeds and turtles. We even saw some ships on the ocean's floor.
On the third day, we joined a snorkeling tour. We took the minibus and then transferred to a big ship. We stayed on the ship for about three to four hours while the captain took us to a place in the ocean. We swam and saw lot of fish. We put on lifejackets before we jumped into the ocean. The kids liked it very much.
On the fourth day, we attended the Polynesian Cultural Show at the Princess Hotel. This was the first time we saw Hawaiian singing and dancing. We ate dinner at the hotel before the show started.
On the fifth day, we joined the tour called The Island Tour. We sat on the bus though out most of the tour. The tour guide was also the driver. He drove us around the island. At every point he stopped, he let us out to take a look at the view. Some points weren't so special. He explained about the island and what we saw. I also remembered he us through a wildlife preserve. We saw a lot of flowers and special trees. We also stopped at the Dole Plantation and bought some pineapples.
On the sixth day, we went to a water park. We went by ourselves. We had a lot of fun because there was a “hurricane” ride. For the people who knew how to swim, they didn't care about the hurricane's waves coming. People who didn't know to swim were scared, but they had a lot of fun.
On the seventh day, we went home.
It was a happy and enjoyable trip.
It was a worth while trip even though it was expensive.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Please Don't Feed the Pigeons
Pedestrians may be slip by their excrement on walkways. Airplanes are endangered from large numbers of pigeons.
Still, some people like pigeons. They love to feed them left over food.
However, some people don't know diseases may be carried by these birds and transmitted to humans. Ornithosis is found in pigeons.
So, should we stop feeding pigeons?
To avoid an increase in the pigeonpopulation we must realize"food control" to keeping ourcities cleaner so people don't get diseases and pollution from pigeons.
Cam Hong
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
This one is for Mung Kai
Go to the New York Times Word of the Day website.
American high school students take a test called the SAT (Scholastic Achievment Test) before they apply to colleges.
Many students memorize the Word of the Day in preparation for the SAT.
More Stories
What is the purpose of taking this class for? Is it grammar and reading?
I think having more stories to read is very helpful.
Cam Hong
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Writing is Difficult
Mention to writing we have to know well about grammar. But grammar is so difficult for foreigner like us. If we are not good in grammar, it might be mixed up or misunderstand to the audience.
Anyhow we are students, we are on practicing. We don't care about any mistake, we still have a good editor beside us. We have to be brave to write it directly. The more we write, the easier it gets.
Cam Hong
Blue Angels flying show

I am Kai Lok.
Yesterday there was a Blue Angels flying show in San Francisco.
It was very difficult to park in the north coast area of San Francisco, so my wife, my elder son and I drove to Treasure Island.
WE could see the planes from there. We got there about 1:30 pm.
It was a warm, bright sunny day. Breeze blew from S.F. bay. Many people sat on the benches or the rocks facing S.F. along the coast.
The curved tails looked like a big colorful cloth which was hung in the sky. After this flying team leaving, a black spot moved quickly from our left hand side. Very soon the blackspot became six jet planes – F-18 Hornet jets. People could easily identify them.t They were the world famous “Blue Angels" flying team. They flew together over S.F. and up high with colorful smoky tails, and then they seperated. The colorful smoke looked like a big flower. People applauded.

If you have never seen the Blue Angels flying show, I suggest you have to visit this event sometime to feel that exciting moment.
During the show, I had taken some pictures although it was not easy to take pictures of flying jets. I will post several pictures on the blog. I hope you like them.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Hiring a New Administrative Assistant
Click on for the complete transcript.
Here is a list of the key words, phrases and idioms in today's podcast:
- Administrative assistant
- Gave notice
- Could not have happened at a worse time
- Busy time of year
- Nothing I could do
- Right away
- Want ad
- Classified
- Applications
- Interviews
- Narrowed it down
- Resume
- Experience
- Working at
- Telecommunications
- Looked promising
- Dressed professionally
- Seemed personable
- With confidence
- Sounded like
- Perseverance
- Drawbacks
- Chatty
- Seemed disorganized
- Capacities
- Candidate
- Rough around the edges
- Earnest
- Eager
- Air of someone who had
- Corporate environment
- Seemed bright
- Easy to get along with
- Did strike me
- As shy
- Nervous
- Two options
- Give it some more thought
English In Use CD ROM
Many students find these grammar exercises useful.
Would you like additional practice exercises that you can access on your home computer.
Here is a link to the English In Use CD ROM.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Internet Radio
I just learned about it today and have been listening to it all night.
In case you are interested, I am posting this link.
That's right, I used the present continuos because I was typing the title "right then".
Now that the moment has passed I could change the title to:
In case you are interested, I posted this link.
In case you are still hungry for knowledge, click here.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Listen to English on the Internet
In our morning class, we often listen to English on the Internet.
You can listen to English poems at The Writer's Almanac.
(To listen to the Writer's Almanac you must install RealAudio on your computer. RealAudio is a free program. Click here to read about how to do it.
ESLpod is a good place to build your vocabulary and improve your listening skills. Click here to read the scripts of the stories we heard in class.
Current Events Topic For Next Week
If you haven't posted on the blog yet, have a fellow student post your suggestion.
We will select the topic, from your suggestions, with a vote on Tuesday.
More About Improving Our Classroom
The teacher suggested that students who only attend for the first two hours sit at a table in the back of the classroom. He said that when students leave their study group in the middle of the class, they disrupt the study group.
Some students wanted to talk about this plan.
Khalil said that he wanted to stay in the front of the class because he has a problem with his vision.
Phung Chau said that she had the same problem.
Mei Fang said that she also had the same problem.
Wing also said that she has this problem.
Ha To also has difficulty seeing from the back of the room.
Richard tried to explain the problem, as he sees it.
He said, working in study groups is very important because study groups are the most effective way to improve your English.
Richard wants you to use this opportunity to learn. He knows that his students can not continue in the advanced class forever. They need to develop skills that will help them to succeed in college and in their jobs. Even students that have retired need to learn English communication skills to help their families.
The study groups are the most effective way to improve conversation, writing and editing skills.
What can we do in our class next week, he asked?
It was suggested that the two front tables be reserved for the students that leave at 10:30 and that after 10:30, the students in the back would move forward.
Hector said that he thought this was unfair. He comes to class every day and he usually comes early, he said. He said that he sits in the front because he thinks it is the best place to learn.
Wing, Khalil and Phung left the class because it was 10:30. Mei Fang also left.
Francisco asked, "Do all the people leave at the same time, or do they leave one by one." It would disturb the class if people were always moving.
Mung Kai said, "Some people sneak away."
Francisco said , "If people left from the back it wouldn't disturb the class so much."
Wai Ping said, why don't you write on the black board in the middle of the class so the students at the back table will be able to see better.
Xiao Yan asked that we quit "wasting our time talking about this and start listening to some music or reading literature or maybe a tv show."
Richard said, "We haven't spoken this much English in class all of this month. this is, perhaps, the best conversation practice we have had."
Wai Ping wants to talk about news. He wants to talk about current events.
The teacher asked that we try to make a plan for Monday. We change the plan later, but what should we try, on Monday, as an experiment.
We agreed to try to put the students that have to leave at the two tables in the front. The teacher said that he will try to use the front board less and emphasize working in study groups more. We will review how this works in the near future.
Xiao Yan suggested that we do more intersting topics like news and current events.
Francisco wants more dictation.
Vivian said, "Why don't that we use the two front tables by the windows because they are used to those tables."
Yan Hua doesn't want to move at all.
Vivian suggests that the teacher create study groups "by mnumbers" every day.
Dickson suggested that we have a day each week to just talk. "No paper, now writing."
Jiao said, give us a topic. that we can discuss.
Francisco suggests that we choose discussion groups by whether they leave early or not.
Yan Hua wants to form the groups each day after 10:30.
Richard said, "We still don't have a plan for Monday."
Han Xian said, " All morning, we have no time to relax. We feel very bored. There is no break."
The teacher explained that the school does not allow for official breaks anymore.
Richard asked, "Is there anything you do like about this class?"
Kai Yan said, " I like the class."
Wai Ping agreed, he likes it, too. But he wants to talk about the news.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I Want To Know about China
It's nice to know you. I'm interested in making friends with you because you are from China. It's a country which I want to know about. I plan to go there the next summer. So, could you tell me some famous places that you know? Please recommend to me which restaurants are the best?Are there any elegant holtels there?
Write me as soon as possible.
Your classmate
Cam Hong
My first post
I'm very glad to know you guys on the computer because this is a good chance for me to practice both English and computer skills. I'm very happy to share with you guys many things from now on.
I wished to know more friends on computer to let me exchange ideas, knowledge. And now my dreams have come true.
Your classmate
Cam Hong
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How to Improve our Class
I think we should set goals. We should come to school on time. When our teacher starts teaching , we should listen carefully. We sould speak English whenever in the school, especially we are learning in several groups. We should finish our homeworks and ask our teacher for making the corrections. It will better if we have more chances to practise oral and we often write some words about our thinking or opinions on blogger.
It helps us more communications among our classmates and improve our class.
Who is this student?
We should use this blog to practice our writing.
We should share interesting information with our classmates.
We should share our ideas.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Learn the Names of the States and Capitals
to play an internet game and learn US geogrraphy.
While you are at it, click here:
to learn about Mexican Geography
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Finding the Words to a Song
The words to a song are called lyrics.
Suppose that you are looking for the words for the song, Right Here Waiting.
- Go to
- In the search window type: Lyrics Right Here Waiting.
- Click on one of the search result links
- Highlight the lyrics and copy them (cntrl-c).
- Open a new Microsoft Word Document
- Paste the lyrics (cntrl-v)
- Type in the title and recording artist above the lyrics
- Format, save and print the lyrics
Money, Honey
May Have and Might Have
Must have expresses certainty. That must be true. (It is certainly true.)
May have and might have express possibility. That may be true. (It is possibly true)
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Joining the Blog
See you then, I hope!
Writer's Almanac
There was a story about a literary critic who did not hear stories when he was a child.
There was a poem about a father and his baby son.
Must Have and Can't Have
Use can't have when something is impossible.
For the past use must have and the past participle (i.e. must have eaten) or couldn't have (couldn't have eaten).
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Could and Could Have
We use could and can to talk about future possibilities. Could is more uncertain than can.
The past of could is could have.
Could have indicates that something was possible in the past, but it did not happen.
Organizing Your Binder
- Grammar
- Reading and Literature
- Listening and Vocabulary Building
- Writing
- The American Experience
Monday, September 19, 2005

Today we reviewed "can", "could" and "be able to".
We listened to a podcast about a homecoming football game.
If you want to listen to this podcast go to
We also looked at pictures from our teacher's younger brother's wedding in Beijing, China.
We also looked at Google Earth and talked about the geography of California.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Can you find a classmate in this picture?
Have and Got
We learned that "have" means to posses something. It can also mean that a special relationship exists. There are many idioms that use "have".
That is all for now.
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Some of the books we use in the Advanced Class
by Raymond Murphy
Cambridge University Press
A grammar book
Literature for English (Beginning, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2)
McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Press
A book of short stories
Welcome to the Room 101 Morning Class!
Look here to read what your fellow students have written.
Keep an eye out for new pictures and graphics.
See you soon!