Sunday, October 30, 2005


I used to bring my kids to Alameda to get Halloween candy for many years. It was crowded over there. Most kids and adults wore Halloween costumes when they went to get candy. They said," Trick or Treat " to people who gave out candy.

I feel like people like it over there very much because there are more people who gives out candy and the houses are close by. For that reason, the number of "trick or treaters" has been increasing year after year.

A few days ago, I asked my kids if they wanted to trick or treat in Alameda. They seemed to be not interested. They didn't answer me.

I want them to be happy and excited. Maybe I have to change where we go to get candy, but I don't know of a place that is close by where they can get a lot of candy and have fun.

Do any classmates know about places to go to get Halloween candy?

Please, let me know and show me how to get there. Thank you very much!

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Richard Blum said...

There is a place in Berkeley that many people, my kids included, enjoy going on Halloween.

It is called Regent Street. Most of the homeowners on Regent Street fix up their houses with special lights and decorations.

It is a fun place to visit. Get there early if your kids want to "Trick or Treat!"