Monday, November 14, 2005

My First Post

My dear Teacher, Richard,

Recently, you advised me to write something in order to let you correct it. I really appreciate your kindness to the fullest.

I am proud to be your student. I realize that I have learned more than I expected and I have met many friendly classmates.

I admire how they continue to progress in their studies. On the other hand, it is not that easy for me to learn something new. Spelling is especially difficult for me. I have to look up many words in the dictionary because of my failing memory. It is a shame!

At the same time, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to say "Hello" to everyone in our class.

Have a nice day!

Sincerely, your student,


Cam Hong said...
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Cam Hong said...

Your writing is very good. I like it.
Let's keep it up!
I would like to learn something form you.
I hope your writing going to publish again.