About Me
Hi, my classmates. How are you guys doing? My name is Penny. My name sounds like a little coin. Also, my Thai name sounds like Penny, but the meaning is the “full moon”. I come from
I will have been in the
I just like people who come from other countries to start a new life here...but how can we begin again?
Before, when I first came to the
I hope I will find a job in which I can use my skills. I have skills in arts. I can draw, paint, print and sculpt. However, my skill level now isn’t enough to get the job I want. I need more skills in English and computers. That is why I come to adult school.
I would like to tell everyone more about me. I will write on the Blog again when I have time.
By the way, thank you Richard for letting students write on blog so that we can know more about our classmates. Also we can practice how to write and to use a computer.
Hello penny.
Nice photo of your wedding, I hope the english classes help you in your life,to be one better person, not only to find a better job.
And you are a very good drawing, I saw you, still do it. I think in a future, you could find some job related to the visual arts.
About me.
Hi,my classmates. How are you guys doing? I'm name is Penny. My name seem as like a little coin. Also my Thai name is call Penny too,but the meaning is the full moon. I come from Thailand. This month is almost 3 years for me in the US. I decided to live here because I found in love with my husband.I met him 2 years and 10 months ago in San Francisco States University where I studied English first. One friend of me introduced him to me.I got married on July 28,2007. I just like everyone who came from anther countries want to start a new life,...but how? Before I was working all day in the Thai restaurant that pay less,hard job,long hours. My boss told me I good at it ,but I'm so bored. I hope, I can find a job which I can use my skill. I have skill in Arts. I can do painting,printing,sculpture. However my skill now it don't enough for get a job what I want to be. I need more skill about English and computer. Therefore that why I come to adult school.I would like to tell everyone more about me. I will write on Blog again. When I have time.By the way thank you Richard for let students write somethings on blog that we can know more our classmates also we can practise how to write and to use a computer.
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