Alberto Ortega Servin
Alberto Ortega Servin
I hope to start this year for you to enjoy all of the new things and all of the resolutions, but it is important for you. You don’t forget of resolution because it is beginning of New Year, but everyone forgets it. I hope that you are very happy this New Year. Already it is end, and it is start of a new life cycle in our lifetime.
This feeling is a little late but how we have said in Mexico. Never is late because it is best late that never. This year I think so all people are starting in your resolution. Now No it is not late.
My resolution for this Year;
I am going to look for of the job because I am going to need a lot money.
I am going to study more English in the Clinton Park School and Mill College.
I am going to eat more fruit and Vegetables.
I am going to eat more cereal.
I am going to read more histories in English.
I am going to do my homework.
I am going to study more grammar.
I am going to clean my table every day in My English class.
I am going to speak more English with my Classmate.I am going to pay more attention to my teacher.
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