Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Round Trip
But I'll be writtin on the blog. Just something incredible happened me today.
I'm in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm writing from the Sheraton Hotel. why I'm here??? this is what happened.
I just flu from Oakland to Phoenix, Arizona to transfer the plane. I'm going to my country (Mexico). But when I was here (Phoenix), traying to get into the airplane, the people from the airline saids:
"We need a volunteer to state tonight here in Arizona, because the airplane is full, So, we are going to give him accomodations, a seat in first class to fly tomorrow at the same destination, and free miles to travel in our airline"
So, when a listened that she said free miles, I run to her and I said her "I want to do it".
I wasn't shure about how many miles she was talking about, but the offert was very tempting.
That's what I'm sitting here, in the Sheraton Hotel, with a beatifull room, and with a round trip to travel to any part of the American Continent, any day of the year. Free!!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
My Secret is Out!
Hi! teacher, classmates. I'M BACK.
I got a driver's license a few year ago but I didn't drive. Do you know why? Because I was scared of driving, so I quit.
After a year , I decided to drive again for many reasons. But you know, I just drove around in
A couple of months ago, I took all my courage that I had in me. I started to drive on the freeway. I thought, if other people can do it, why can't I.
Two of my friends asked me to drive them to the Great Mall in
I drove them on the 880 Freeway. For the first few minutes, I was a little nervous. My hands got wet. I had to change lanes very slowly. Then I only took two right lanes to
"Are we almost there yet?" my friend asked.
" Not yet, maybe it will take about 15 more minutes," I answered.
At that time, my driving was better, so I drove faster, then I passed the exit to Great Mall.
"What can we do? " my friends said.
"That's OK! Don't worry. I will find the exit to come back," I said.
I said that, but I felt the same way they did because I had already driven a little far from there. Then I took the exit into a strange city, and I saw an old man who was sweeping in front of a building.
I asked him the way to the freeway north to
So I took this road for about 10 minutes, but I saw that the street ended. I didn't know what street I had to take next, and around there it was very quiet.
Fortunately, I saw a car driving close to my car. I lowered my car window, then I told the man who was driving this car that I was lost and I was trying to find the way to
"Yes," I said.
He spoke in Vietnamese to me. He explained that the city didn't have an exit to the freeway North 880. I needed to transfer to the other freeway that was called 287, and I needed to get in the right lane when I saw the exit for South 101.
So I drove back on the freeway, and I kept in the right lane, but this time I paid attention when I saw the exit north to
I thanked him and I remembered what he said. And thank God!, I found the Great Mall!. We spent 2 hours there. Then I found the way back to
Exercise is a good habit
Exercise is a Good Habit
By Mei Mei
Exercise is a good habit for everyone’s health. We will preserve our body if we exercise twice or more every week. When we exercise we need to sweat heavily.
Don’t forget that doctors always advise us, “Don’t eat too much and don’t be too lazy. You need to take more exercise.” If you don’t follow this advice, you will become fat soon. Too much fat will bring sickness, so paying attention to your weight and keeping in shape is very important.
Now almost people like to drive or take the bus when they go out. But taking a walk is better for you. Exercise is especially good for older people. You can do it anywhere and anytime.
Usually, I wake up early, about
Last Sunday, we heard some bad news from other people that often walk in the park. They said a few day ago, there was a woman who lived near here. She was going out her house to drive to work. Someone suddenly ran to her and grabbed her handbag. She was robbed! The neighbors heard her shouts. They went out quickly to help her and they called the police.
Everyone was scared by this crime. A lot of older people live near the park. It is very easy to be robbed there. So now we are very careful when walking.
It can be dangerous outside. One day, I was chatting with my older sister in the kitchen of our house. We were sitting by the window near the front door when suddenly we heard someone shout outside. We quickly opened the curtain and saw that my mother had fallen down on the ground by our front of door. A young guy who looked like he was about eighteen to twenty years old had knocked my mother down and taken her handbag from her arm. My mother was hurt. When he ran away, he also turned his head to look at us. At that moment, a black woman drove passed us. She tried to follow the robber by car and called the police. Neighbors helped us by translating our answers to the policeman’s questions because we don’t speak English fluently. Until now, we don’t know whether the guy has been caught
Most Chinese or
My mother has been robbed seven times. Let’s work together and put the bad guys into prison!
Tsunami Hit Thailand 2004

Sunday, January 27, 2008
My Special Two Sons:

My focus with Sebastian had always been to teach him good things, I was trying to prepare him for this life that is very difficult and dangerous. I wanted him to learn to defend himself in this world. I wanted him to be able to make good decisions in his life. I know I am doing a good job with Sebastian, because he is very good boy, adorable, sweet, smart and he learns quickly. When other people meet him they tell me that he is a very special boy. Since Sebastian was born he has been very lucky in his life. Though Sebastian’s biological father is in Venezuela, he has found a very special father and friend here in the USA in my husband Bill. They love each other very much and they have a good father and son relationship. Sebastian does not like to be without Bill, when Bill is gone without Sebastian, he worries for his father until he returns.
My little baby William is special too; he is the fruit of the beautiful love between my husband and me. He is so cute, adorable and spoiled. When I had William at the hospital in Oakland I compared the different conditions the two babies were born in. With Sebastian’s birth I had very little material things to offer him, but with William born in the USA, I got more than enough.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Teacher's Birthday-2008
Surprise Party
By Mei Mei
Last Friday, I heard laughing voices coming from our room 101 before I entered the classroom. In the classroom, our teacher was holding a big birthday cake with Ha To. The other students were standing around them. What was happening? I didn’t have any idea because I hadn’t gone to school yesterday. Oh! Now it was a celebration for Teacher’s birthday.
The whiteboard showed a birthday card with a sing song that was sent by email from Seema. She is an officer of our school. Yolanda gave an oil painting as a present to Teacher. All of the students signed their name on the back of painting and wished him a long life. We hope he will continue to teach us.
Everyone enjoyed taking pictures with Teacher and classmates. Everyone was very happy at the party. Yesterday Teacher showed these pictures to us on the computer. He said Kai Yan is a professional photographer. We all agreed about that.
Those pictures showed all of us with a “camera face”. Teacher used his humorous tone to explain about our cake eating pictures. We enjoyed seeing those funny pictures that our classmates made.
We hope Teacher will celebrate his birthday for many years.
Teacher's Birthday
Last Friday, I heard laughing voice around our 101 classroom from outside before I entered the classroom. In classroom Teacher was holding a big birthday cake with Ho To. The other students were standing around them. What’s the matter? I didn’t have any idea because I didn’t go to school yesterday. Oh! Now it was a celebrating for Teacher’s birthday.
The whiteboard showed a birthday card with a sing song that was sent by email from Seema. She is a officer of our school. Yalanda gave an oil painting as a present to Teacher. All of the students signed their name on the back of painting and wished him have a long life and continue to teach us.
Everyone enjoyed taking pictures with Teacher and classmates. Everyone was very happy at the party. Yesterday Teacher showed these pictures to us from the computer. He said Kai Yan is a professional photographer, we all agreed about that. Those pictures were showing all of us have a camera face. Teacher used his humorous tone to explain about our eating cake pictures. We enjoyed to seeing those funning pictures that our classmates made.
We know Teacher is sick now, but we also wish he could get well soon and could celebrate his birthday every year.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Wonderful Honeymoon in my life

I had a wonderful honeymoon with my husband in December, 2005 before we got married. We enjoyed it in
Canaima is a beautiful and natural place. Canaima is the name of a little town and also the name of a big river that is there. Also, Canaima has the highest and one of the most beautiful falls in all the world, "
We also went to
We'll never forget all these experiences, and we will remember this trip forever as our only honeymoon.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The City of The Angels

The City of The Angels
This weekend, I talked to someone who wanted to know about my city (
Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit (Thai: กรุงเทพมหานคร อมรรัตนโกสินทร์ มหินทรายุธยามหาดิลกภพ นพรัตน์ราชธานี บุรีรมย์อุดมราชนิเวศน์มหาสถาน อมรพิมานอวตารสถิต สักกะทัตติยะวิษณุกรรมประสิทธิ์, Listen ).
I recommended the first things a traveler should do in my city. If you visit
This temple is used by the king to pray to Buddha and the Angels, so no monks live inside this temple. Also you can see the royal palace near this temple.
Fixing My Computer
So I went to the store with my computer. When I got there I saw many people inside. I thought it deeded more time to wait. The clerk said to me they need more time to check what problems the computer had. He suggest me left the computer in the store and let they check it. They will give me a result after five days.
I thought it was reasonable. Then I left my computer and went home.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
This is very amazing...
It is chance…
1. New York City has 11 letters.
2. Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3. Ramsin Yuseb. He is terrorist that to threaten with to destroy the Twin Tower in 1993. His name has 11 letters.
4. George W Bush. His name has letters.
This is maybe once coincidence, but now it is more interesting.
1. The New York is the states number 11.
2. First airplane that it was crash against the Twin Tower it was the number flight 11.
3. The number flight 11 it brought 92 passengers. It is added. 9 + 2 = 11
4. The number flight 77. Also it was crash against in the Twin Tower and it brought 65 passengers. It is added. 6 + 5 = 11
5. The tragedy was happen on September 11. It is better to say 911. It is added 9+ 1 + 1 = 11
6. The day is equal ate emergency number of the police of the United States. It is 911 if it is added. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 is it only coincidence?
You are following to read and you already tell me.
1. The number total victim in the airplane was 154. If you are added it. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
2. On September 11 is 254 the calendar. Other again and you are added it. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
3. The explosions of the Madrid was happen on September 3, 2004 (11/3/2004) if you added it 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 11
4. The tragedy of the Madrid was happen 911 days after of the incident of the Twin Tower. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
Good! Now! Thing is it. It is becoming more mysterious.
One of the symbols more important of the United States after the stars and bars is the eagle.
The following verse is from the Quran, (the Islamic Bible) IS THIS A COINCIDENCE OR SOMETHING ELSE?
Quran (9:11) For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
This strophe is number 911 of the Quran.
If! You are not convinced then you is following next step and you tell me. That is it. I was my hair to put and position end.
Next step is open of the Microsoft Word and you do following it.
1. You are writing in the capital letters Q33 NY this is the number flight was crash against the Twin Tower.
2. You select this letters Q33 NY
3. You change this to the size Number 48.
4. You change this to the letters WINGDINGS 1 and now what do you think about this situation?
This is amazing or you do not know it but I am recommendation is enter Microsoft Word. Another recommendation is it and you’re sending your friends in 11 minutes, it is very important.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to Richard blum
I couldn’t come to school to day. I have to work, but I’m going to read the trumpet of the swan chapter 8-9 and write some story on the blog.
By the way “Happy Birthday, Wish you are health and happiness.”
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
In honor of the truth commenting the past that had have to leave been contribute positive to the progress in
The arrived of the Chinese immigration that came since 149 years ago. People, calm, peaceful, of tranquil nature that their best virtues are the effort and the tenacity, that permitted through the time in honorable and worthy of respect.
Why, the immigration Chinese in
In the period of the president Ramon Castilla, by 1854 years ago, he emitted a decree very important in the history of Peru, that offered the liberty or to set free to people color slaves, they was from to Africa specify brought by spaniards to the New Continent.
They liked with preference to
In the fifty years ago, born new street "Capon", that is very famous to the present time by their "Chifas" that prepared typical foods. The Chinese immigrants originated chiefly of the
"Chifa" is word mix between spanish and Chine."Chifa born,when called for eat, Chine said: "Chi fan", that mean "eat rice". So, the peruvians our to stay with this sentence "Chifa".
Then, Capon, there are many "Chifas" a lot of quality and prestige with the Ton Qui Sen, San Joy Lao, Men Yu, Koung y Tong Po, " Chinatown also has activites social with to Celebrete The New Year Chino.that it is in the month January o February or the part of the moon, that prepared grateful by the harvest".
There is an arch very big, that mean " under sky all the people are similar or egual"
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Christmas' Pictures
A few days ago, I asked my English teacher- Richard Blum how to put pictures into the blog. Then he showed the whole class how to do that.
First, open the computer and go to our 101 morning blog on the internet. And click on the “Add image” icon. Before you needed to have saved your pictures on the computer and you need to remember where they are saved
The second step is to select the pictures that you want and click on the “Browse” button one by one by clicking in the “URL” box.
Next, click on the “upload” bottom.
Finally, click “Done".
The teacher demonstrated by uploading Do Do's picture that he saved before.
After school, when I practiced it by myself in the classroom, Alberto, who was my classmate before. came in. We practiced together and put two pictures into the blog.
Those pictures were taken during the Christmas Day Party in our classroom last month. One is of the teacher holding “New New” (my dog). New New is wearing a red hat and looks like a toy.
The other photo is of the teacher, New New and all our classmates gathered together. We look very happy. Now I can write articles with pictures together on the blog.
Baker Beach and Palace of Fine Arts

Last Saturday, my friend showed me pictures which she took with her older brother’s friend from
My friend likes go there very often with her dog. She told me that at the end of this beach near peninsula rock you can see nudists on the beach in the summer time.
Then we went to the
I saw many couples walk past and that reminded me of a funny thing I have never told anybody about my first date with my husband. I asked him to take me to the
Monday, January 14, 2008
We’ll travel to Huangshan ,Anhui.
This city is my son-in-law’s hometown.
We’ll buy some green tea Huangshan. The tea there is very famous.
I wrote these sentences. I hope my classmates will fix them.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Snowy Holiday
During the holiday break my family and I took a vacation. We went to Truckee, a city just north of Lake Tahoe in
First we looked at the weather because we didn’t want to get stuck on the road. It seemed to be good so we decided to go after Christmas.
We prepared a snack to hold us over during the two and half hours of traveling. When were approaching our final destination, we started to see snow on the side of the road. My nieces and nephew were very excited and surprised. They were visiting the snow for the first time.
Along the way, we also saw snowmen in front of some houses and cars covered with snow.It was incredible, so much snow, I thought!
That day it was predicted to start snowing at 3 pm, and it happened. And the snow started falling down, and we played in the snow. Something that was incredible for me was that when snow falls it really is a snowflake.
We went to a ski area, but since I don’t know how to ski I did tubing. If you want to do tubing, you have to pay 18 dollars, but it is worth the great experience. Going down a hill on a tube makes you feel like you are a child.
I also enjoyed the snow falling on the way back home. The snow was falling really hard and the trees were changing color from green to snow-white. Seeing all the trees covered with the snow is magical.
I had never seen that before, and now I understand why Christmas is about snow, because in my country we are in summer during this holiday.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Lan Wan is eighteen years old. She is a
She was one among the winners of the tenth annual Chinese Law Prize in 2007.
When she was eight years old, she began helping her mother. They helped drug addicts to give up their drugs.
Now she helps young people give up drugs. Over the last ten years, Lan Wan has succeeded in helping seventeen young people. They gave up their illegal drugs. She used the telephone network to connect thirty nine young drug users. They and she established a close relationship.
That was wonderful! A man who had given up drugs with Lan Wan help awarded the Law prize to Lan Wan.
She is a good volunteer! She is an Angel!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
My Lovely......
Do you still remember that I told you I like dogs very much? I have a dog in
I got him when he was 2 months old. He was much smaller than right now. You can see that he has short, white hair from the picture on top. I have always thought if he were a person, he would be a brave, handsome guy.
He was a playboy when he was young. He maybe had 3 or more girl friends, but he treated all of them very well, and didn't let them know each other. For example, when he wanted to take a walk, he selected one of them. Then, he picked her up from her house, and escorted her back home after that. In addition, he was a brave and fair pack leader because he didn't allow fighting among the dogs in his area. Plus, he loved to protect smaller dogs.
As he grew older, he began to enjoy the time by himself. It seems that he is not interested in girl-dogs that much. We wondered if he just wanted to enjoy his years in late life quietly and peacefully.
I am very happy to join this class and know our blog. I will post more as often as I can.
Mangos Teen Fruit is a Queen of Fruit

Mangosteen Fruit is the Queen of Fruit!
Hello, everyone. Today, I ate 3 pomegranates. They tasted very good. My friend asked me “Do you like pomegranates?”
I said “Yes, I do like them a lot, but it’s not the best fruit I like. My favorite fruit is mangosteen. It tastes like a pomegranate, but it is sweeter and creamy.”
If I tell you how mach I love to eat mangosteens you will not believe me if you have never tried one.
I read a story in Wikipedia about mangosteens. There is a story, possibly apocryphal, about Queen
We believe that the original mangosteens came from
By the way if you are going to tropical county you should get some mangosteens because the mangosteen tree can’t survive in cold climates.
Rain Drops
In the morning of December 30th, last year, I opened the door to my backyard. I saw that the sky was very blue. It was extraordinary clear and the air was fresh. I walked into my back yard. Oh! The ground was still wet. It was a beautiful morning after the rain.
Some sparkling things among the pear tree branches attracted me. I found the sparkling things were raindrops. It looked like many crystals were hung under the branches. They were very lovely.
I knew that they would disappear very soon. I didn’t let the rare time go by. I took several pictures from them.
Chrismas' Pictures
After school, when I practiced it by myself at the classroom. Alberto who is my classmate before came in. We practiced together and putted two pictures into the blog. Those pictures took during the Christmas Day at our classroom last month. One is teacher hold New New that is my dog wore a red hat look like a toy. The other is teacher, New New and I took together. We looked very happy. Now I can write a article with pictures together into the blog.

January 1st ,2008 was my husband and my fiftieth wedding anniversary. It was my husband’s birthday, too.
My sisters, brother in-law, sister in-law, their daughter, son, grandchild, my husband and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. We had a party to celebrate. We ate out at a Chinese restaurant. We took a lot of pictures. This was wonderful. We felt very happy.
I remembered that fifty years ago, in Qing-Dao, when we were married, we only bought some candy for our friends. That was different!
How to Put a Picture on the Blog

First, start a new post.
Second, write your story.
Third, click on the "add image" icon.
Fourth, click on the "Browse" button and select a picture from your computer. (You could also select a picture that was already on the internet by clicking in the "URL" box.
Fifth, click on the "Upload" button.
Finally, click "Done".
Publish your post and your friends will soon be looking at your picture.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Alberto's Resolutions

Alberto Ortega Servin
I hope to start this year for you to enjoy all of the new things and all of the resolutions, but it is important for you. You don’t forget of resolution because it is beginning of New Year, but everyone forgets it. I hope that you are very happy this New Year. Already it is end, and it is start of a new life cycle in our lifetime.
This feeling is a little late but how we have said in Mexico. Never is late because it is best late that never. This year I think so all people are starting in your resolution. Now No it is not late.
My resolution for this Year;
I am going to look for of the job because I am going to need a lot money.
I am going to study more English in the Clinton Park School and Mill College.
I am going to eat more fruit and Vegetables.
I am going to eat more cereal.
I am going to read more histories in English.
I am going to do my homework.
I am going to study more grammar.
I am going to clean my table every day in My English class.
I am going to speak more English with my Classmate.I am going to pay more attention to my teacher.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
To See The Snow.

My friend Tsu and his family had never seen the snow, since his they moved to the
Before Christmas, he asked me where they could go to see snow. They live in
I told my friend Tsu that he had to check the forecast to make sure the weather on the day they planned to start their trip was good with no snow falling and no rain. I also reminded him if they met rain on the way, they should turn back.
They took their trip on December 24th, this Monday. It was a beautiful sunshiny day in the Bay Area. But I worried a little bit about them. After all. it was the first time they had gone to Boreal. So I called my friend Tsu that day around noontime. A pleased laughing came from the phone. I knew that they were enjoying their trip.
That night, I received several images from Tsu. I am posting one of them on our blog. I hope my classmates like it.