Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Promotion Ceremony

On June 14th, there was a “promotion ceremony” at my daughter's school. She had to go there an hour before because she was salutatorian. She had been chosen to give a speech at the ceremony.

After an hour my husband and I attended the ceremony. Outside the school, people were selling many things for the graduates like garland wreaths, bears, and balloons. My husband told me to buy a gift for my daughter.

I bought a bird for her and we went into the ceremony room. As I entered, I saw my daughter sitting on the stage with some teachers and students. The ceremony started. People stood up to sing the national anthem.

First, the principal came up and welcomed all of the parents and guardians. Next, the guest speaker talked about the students' study process. He talked about the students' goals for the future. Then, several students came up to read their essays.

Finally, the students who were being promoted were awarded certificates.

After the promotion ceremony finished, we went out to the stadium. We took some pictures and then we went home.

A few days later, my husband went to Costco. He bought an Ipod for his daughter. She felt very happy and enjoyed the Ipod more than the bird I gave to her. But she never forgets to listen to the bird’s song every night when she goes into her room to sleep.

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