Sunday, July 09, 2006

If I Were Jim Abbott I Would . . .

If I were Jim Abbott I would ask to give a speech to children with disabilities such as: we have to live above public opinions. We have to put away our complex. We have to put ourselves in normal people. We have to look forward to the challenge and chase for our dream. We try our best to realize our goals if we couldn't reach it, it could be fine. We can be American Idol.

Like me, I have been missing one hand, but I nourished one's ambition when I was a child. I hope I going to be a pitcher in the future. So, I tried my best to practice playing catch by myself. That's a great challenge for me.

After beating the best of Roger Clements. People had no doubt about me and they stopped thinking about my missing hand. Finally, people only saw my talent and forgot about my disability.You see!

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