Thursday, October 02, 2008

I Am Upset

I am upset today! Three things have made me mad. First, yesterday the school gave us a test to evaluate each student's English level. It was not too hard, but to me it was hard. The second thing happened the other morning. My husband and I went to see a doctor. The doctor talked to us about my husband's right hand problem, but I didn't understand much. The third thing is when I want to talk to people in English, but nobody understands me. I have been here almost three years. What is the best way for me to learn English? How much longer do I have to study before I can speak English well? I hate it! It gives me a bad feeling.

September 23, 2008

1 comment:

Deth said...

Don't feel bad because your are just a new immigrant in this country(almost 3 years) not too long, so sometimes you don't understand them and sometimes they don't understand you. That's simple for new immigrants. Anyway, I think your English is really good. Your Friend.