Thursday, June 14, 2007

The bully guy

One month ago, I went to Berkeley with my friend. We took a bus there. We waited for the bus for about for a long time. After about thirty minutes the bus came and we got on.

The bus was almost full so we couldn’t sit together. I sat next to an Asian guy. After a few minutes a black guy came up, and said to the Asian guy, ''Stand up and find another seat!''

The Asian guy stood up quickly and found another seat. When the black guy sat next to me, I was scarred. I worried about my English because my English isn't very good. Sometimes I can't understand the people.

After a few minutes, he asked me, ''Are you from Africa?''

I answered, “Yes.”

He said, “Me, too. I am from Africa, too.”

After that he took out a small knife. I asked, ''What is that?''

'He answered, “It's a knife.'' '

I said, “I see but what are you going to do with it.''

He answered, ''Nothing, but sometimes I use it to kill people.”

While we were talking the bus stopped and the Asian guy got off. Before he got off he said a bad word to the black people. Then all then black guys got off the bus. The Asian guy didn't run so the black guys caught him quickly. The black guys beat the Asian guy and then the police came.

By Sadia Nur


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