Sunday, January 22, 2006

The United States of America

The United States is one of the richest coutries in the world. The United States has a high civilization.

The United States is the 3rd bigest countries in the world. It's a diverse country. There are a lot of different kinds of people that moved from other coutries to here with the goal of making their life better. Some people came here to study.

There are 50 states in The United States. Every state has a different kind of weather and character. Let me descibe some of them.

Florida always has hot weather. People can plant special fruit like jack fruit,Vietnamese kiwi, longan, guava, green mango.

Minesota has snow in the winter. In the winter the snow covers the road. It looks beautiful. In the summertime it is terribly hot.

Oh! Talking about Hawaii, most people know it has a very nice climate. There are four main islands in Hawaii. Honolulu is on one of the islands. I went there last year. There are beautiful beaches in Honolulu. Some people told me that they like to visit Hawaii because Hawaiians treat the travellers like a "King." That is very true!

The United States is a dream country so that many people want to settle here for a better future.

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