Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese New Year in The United States

Time is flying fast. Chinese New Year is coming again!

This year all the big holidays as Christmast and New Years are falling on weekends. People seem excited and celebrate bigger than the other years, because they have more time to go shopping and cook special meals for the New Years. People invite friends and relatives gather together to make more crowded.

Although Chinese people are living in America, but every year when the Chinese New Years are coming. They celebrate very big. They don't care about spending money for the organizations as parades, dragons and lions perform or firework. They want to keep their traditions and stay forever for the future generations.

Even their culture, they want to keep it, also. They opened scattered many Chinese schools with the tuitions are very cheap. The rich people who are willing to offer their money to the schools to make a fund for school using. Their goal is hope the culture will be eternal existence.

Their community always help each other. They're very united each other. They like to take pride. As we see, most the China Town grow everywhere in the world.

Anyway, Chinese New Year is a very big festival. We can say it expand through out the world and exit forever.

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