Sunday, February 12, 2006

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is for people to celebrate love or a special relationship with people whom we love or like.

On Valentine's Day most people like to give flowers or chocolate candy with a card. These are popular gifts. Some people give other things, also.

On Valentine's Day most young people like to go to a movie. Some couples like to travel to romantic places. People who are married go out for a family dinner. Some kids they give presents or cards to their teachers or friends.

My country doesn't have Valentine's Day so people don't have a special holiday to celebrate the relationship between husbands and wives.

Many Asians who have lived in the United States for a long time don't do anything on Valentines' Day. They don't think this holiday is important. A few Asians follow American traditions. They do somethings special on Valentine's Day. They think Valentine's Day is an important day, also.

I think Valentine's Day is very good, because it reminds people to warm up their relationships, especially between husbands and wives.

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