Monday, March 24, 2008
Let's go to the movies!
I agree!
Let's go to the movies on Wednesday, April 2.
Juno is playing at the Parkway at 7:00 pm.
Click here to learn a little more about Juno.
It is 2 for 1 night. Please join me for a night at the movies.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Farmers Got Dressed Style of Traditional...
This Picture is Lázaro Cárdenas del Río with
Mexican natives, for more picture click Here

Alberto Ortega Servin
During long time, farmers got dressed style of traditional clothes, because the landowner didn’t permit them to use jean. In this time only the landowner got dressed to jeans because they were rich in the town and cities.
The emigrated came towards the United States, they got dressed to wear jeans but when they back came to Mexico, they changed their jean for the style of traditional clothes, where the farmers change your clothe in big cities near their the smallest town. When they arrived from the United States towards their native towns.
My grandfather, grandfather and mother told me; about this situation also farmers didn’t wear jeans in their community only the landowner. The boss said far away of my town because you don’t understand, you couldn’t wear jeans in this town.
Sometime landowner sent to strike or hit to the farmers, when landowners saw to the farmers wear jeans. Now men and women wear jeans because now there are more freedom in Mexico.
Now the laws don’t allow these kind situations because the people are more modern, a lot people go to the school also many people are coming to the Unites States, where people know new cultures.
Before it was impossible because landowner was very strict with the farmer also the Catholic Church helps a landowner because my uncle Fidel Baez said that people went to confession with the bishops or priests. They were revelation the confession secret some times landowner was far away the people. In this time the life very difficult for the poor families in Mexico. Now there is more freedom in the life of the farmer because they are more independents their jobs also in the form to dress or to clothes.
Friday, March 21, 2008
This is Lina.
I am trying to get hold of Richard(teacher),anybody knows his phone number or email address??
Please send it to my email:
I need it in a hurry! Please help me out!
Thank you very much!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Which is your rope?...
Alberto Ortega Servin
People voice tell to you that a mountain climber, mountain climber was very desperately for he was conquer of the Aconcagua Mountain so he is beginning his crossing it, before one year of training, but he want to the glory for him only. Then that he was climbing without partners.
He is beginning to climbing and the night is starting and it is later but the night is very darkness and he didn’t ready for camping, but he decides to climb until he goes up of the top the mountain. It grew dark to him; the night fell very heave in the height mountain, there absolutely didn’t see anything. Everything was dark, zero visibility. There wasn’t moon and stars were covering for the clouds. He was climber for one cliff and he was an only 100 meters of the peak or the top mountain.
He was slipping and he was fall for airs. The man fall down was vertiginous speed, and then only he saw of the each mark again more obscure that obscure showed in the dark and he feel terrible also he was thought to kill for gravity him.
He is following to fall down and he was moment distressed and this moment and this moment pass for his mind all kind of the pansies but the pansies were well and worse in his life. He was thought that to go died but nevertheless.
Suddenly he felt a tug very strong then it is the strongest that man felt almost to cut in twice parts and he said “Yes” how all experienced claimer because he put of the stakes from safety with padlocks and once rope was very longer and it tied on his waist.
In this moment was very calm and tranquility also he was fell down in the air but only he could screaming and he said to help me so my God!
From suddenly once voice very strong and too deeply in the sky and it was answering him: what are you doing? My son and he said to save me! My God! Do you believe me that I could save you life? He was answering immediately so of course Lord. The God said to cut rope that it is supporting to you… there are one moment of silences and calm. The man was holding stronger a rope and he was reflection…
The rescue group told that other day they found the clamber and he is falling down in air and he died but man is catching with strongly of the cord, with his hands on the rope…
He was only two meters of the ground or of the soil. And you happen? How many do you trusted of your cord? Why don’t you loose it?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My Daughter
My daughter was born on May 26- 1998. She was born with a whizzing sound.The doctor said when she grows older the whizzing would go away. He was right,as She grew older the whizzikng sound disappear. She was two and half when the whizzing stopped altogether. Before this happen I would take her to the hospital and the doctor woluld give her oxygen as treatment. After awhile she became much better. My daughter was two mound and half when my sister in law told me that my ex husband had another family. I Was told he had another woman and they had a daughter together. The other child was born on August 2 – 1997 The half sister of my daughter is three mounds older . My ex husband went away with his other family.Two months later my family said I should leave my house. I Wanted to live with my husband, but I moved to my sister house with my daughter and my two sons. She told me if my ex husband do not come for us she will take to my sister in law house . Then my ex husband coud take us to a motel in
Going To School
Going to School
After I woke up in the morning. My master is used to taking a walk with me after she had prepared everything for goes to school. Today I heard that she said she needed to go to school, so wouldn’t have a lunch with her family. Recently, there is a Chinese restaurant that provides the buffet-“All you can eat” was opened again at Oakland Chinatown. Someone said it had supplied some
My master decided to bring me go to school with her, because she didn’t want to leave me at home alone. She put me into a bag that I could see from inside. Nobody knew I was hidden by the bag when she entered the 101 classroom .
At first, I saw a student was asked by teacher to tell a story, teacher would help him if he couldn’t express well or made mistakes. The other students listened carefully, also asked some questions to him. Teacher said before coming here, you needed to prepare pens, papers, a story, and twenty –four hours and seven (speaking in English for whole day and whole week). I was very interesting in taking, and then called lightly to my master I wanted to talk. So it was my turn to talk my story.
Hi, teacher and classmates, my name is New New. I came from
Once, my master gave us a ride on her motorbike for looking around the urban area. Suddenly, we were fallen down on the side of a crossroad when she rode for a carefulness turn. We didn’t run away and went toward her togethe. The pedestrians helped to pick us into the baskets which were on the motorbike for us by sitting. Everyone who was saw that couldn’t believe how obedient we are!
In July, 2000 they immigrated to American, her father -in-low who had gotten a cancer at the same time. She is his only daughter -in -low needed to take of him. So after five years she kept flying between
Before a fortune-teller told my master when he saw me ,said she needed to keep me, I could smile and bring lots of good luck for her family. I’m the smallest one of all. .Also smaller than the other Shitzu. For these reasons, we saved some money for the ticket of airplane .The price was in accordance with the total weight –the weights of a cab and myself. Passing the quarantine, I have to become a jolly happy American dog.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
One Suggestion for Quality Sleeping
Last Saturday I read about suggestions for quality sleeping.
It said that many people like to read, watch TV, eat and even work in bed. Those activities will affect people’s subconscious*. These activities create the wrong associations of the bed in people’s minds. These associations will affect the quality of sleeping.
So, one of the suggestions is that people should realize that the only function of a bed is for sleeping.
This article reminds us that the bed is primarily for sleeping.
* Subconscious means: the part of your mind that contains feelings that you are not aware of.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Hi everybody after a long time!!!!!!!!
My name is Zonia, I hope you remember me yet. I think my whole class passed to the next level a long time ago, but I always remember all of you.
For many reasons, I had to leave school. Now, I'm working as a Spanish Teacher at a private school in Lafayette and started studying at the Phoenix University to make my dreams come true.
I love my new job, I enjoy it more than any other thing, specially for the kind of students I have in the classroom. Everyday, they make the best while trying to learn a new language, Spanish. That is the moment when I remember my best moments at Adult School, when I was trying to learn a new language, and when I got that great support from my teachers.
At this point of my life, I feel very proud of the great ESL teachers I have had at Oakland Adult School, and I feel really happy because I discovered I can write in this blog yet.
I am always thinking about all of you and I miss this school as my first school in the United States. The school that helped me to think in to grow and to defeat all the obstacles we find here as immigrants.
Next time I will post some pictures of my students, those little ones that make a big effort to learn Spanish while having fun at the classroom.
And in the future, I hope to teach Spanish at Oakland Adult School (That is one of my big challenges).
Hoping you read my post, and hoping to write more to Room101.
Zonia Lopez.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Learning From Life
New immigrants always have many difficulties with language.
Generally, when people go shopping, they need not say any words. They just need to pay. That is enough.
I read a story about difficulties with language in a newspaper recently.
A woman who was an immigrant wanted to buy new clothes for her daughter. In a department store, she found an article of clothing. She was quite satisfied with it. But she wasn’t sure if it was for girls or boys. While she was hesitating, a handsome young clerk passed by.
The shopper asked him, "Is this for boys or girls?" The young man replied, "Unisex."
The shopper heard, "You need sex?"
She was surprised.
The young man thought she hadn’t heard him clearly, so he repeated, "Unisex."
The woman felt that this was sexual harassment, so she complained to a manager.
The manager listened very carefully to explanations from both sides - from the woman and from his clerk. The manager knew what had happened and he explained patiently to the woman.
He told her that "Unisex" means one type which can be used by both males or females. After this explanation, the shopper understood the mistake she had made. Then she said she was sorry to the young man.
Actually, I never knew the word "Unisex" until I read this story.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
My First Three Teachers in the U.S.A.
By Ysaura Richie
When I began to study English in
Each day of class was a good experience. I enjoyed each class a lot. Every student felt the same way because they were participating and asking a lot of questions. I know they enjoyed my funny comments because sometimes the teacher and the class would laugh.
I remember Susan who was my teacher of English Speaking and Reading II. She is an American woman. She is very confident and strict with students. She always gave lots of homework at the end of each class and the next day it would be the first thing we would review.
Everybody in the class felt a lot of pressure to do our homework each day. If some student didn’t do their homework she would ask “Why didn’t you do your homework?”
She would tell them how important it was for them to practice in their homes. She would always recommend that we read magazines, books, newspapers and the internet. She encouraged us to listen English on the radio or watch TV in English.
I learned a lot of English with Susan. We had a good relationship with each other. I would share my problems with her. I trusted her. I would talk to her about the procedure to bring my son, Sebastian, to the
I learned a lot from Carolyn, too. She taught Grammar II and Writing I. She was stricter than Susan. She almost never smiled. She had a different style of teaching English than Susan. Some of the students told me that they didn’t like her. When she asked English questions to the students in the classroom, she would look directly into their eyes. She made them feel like she was a judge, and they were the criminals. Before we finished the semester, she knew who would be going on to Grammar II. She recommended that students repeat the class if they did not do well.
I couldn’t continue my English the next semester. I had to travel to
Right now I am going to