Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Dog Who Dialed 911

Leana, 46-year-old woman with a wheelchair, who lives with her son in Washington. Leana never dreamed that the dog can save her life.

"Fairth" is a dog's name. That's Leana's new service dog. Leana suffered from epilepsy for nearly a decade (such as 10 years). She had "Bronson", that her first service dog. She helped her with chores, arrands and most critically, to assist her in the event of epileptic seizures. Bronson was retiring from service and Fairth was subtitute as her job then.

Leana and a professional dog trainer to trained Fairth to work as a "seizure-response dog" with hope that she might develop into a "seizure-alert dog."

Oneday, Leana reached across the stove for empty water kettle. She fell out of her wheelchair, hitting her head on the kitchen-cabinet door and lay uncouscious on the floor. This was a medical emergency, though not directly caused by her epilepsy. At that time, Fairth's heroism kicked him into over-drive. The dog found the cordless phone with her mounth and her nose pushed the dog called 911. Speed-dial button she had been trained to identify. Fairth barked into the phone. She barked and barked.

Most operators are not trained to translate the barking of dogs, but they detected a pattern to the barks. They seemed to come after she spoke.

When she had accomplished the calling 911, Fairth went back to Leana and did her seizure-response work, pushing her into the "recovery position" on her side, which cleared her throat.

When the police officer arrived, Fairth and Bronson watched from the window. Both had been trained to recognize the uniforms of police, firefighters and medical personnel not as intruders, but as friends. With her nose, Fairth unlatched to let the police came in. Fairth was barking as she ran to the kitchen, urging the police folowed her. Emergency responders know to trust the competence of service animals. The unconscious Leana was whisked to the hospital.

Leana was in the hospital for three weeks. Fairth went with her for part of the time. Leana had a clear idea of her rescure. After she returned home. She contacted to the police. She knew the story of Fairth amazing feat.

While listening to the police. Leana kept interrupting, saying "My Fairth did that? She did what?" After she finished and she had hung up the phone, she threw her arms around her dog and cried out, "How did you know to do all that?" Leana didn't think the dog was able to figure out each step to take, working on the skills in sequence and with exact precistion.

Leana must be love and devotion to Fairth. After that night the relationship changed between Leana and Fairth. Leana found out that Fairth, who she was: "a true angel."

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