Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Can you answer these CPR questions?

How CPR Works

What happens when a person experiences cardiac arrest?

How effective is CPR?

What does CPR mean?

When was CPR invented?

Where does the oxygen we breathe go?

When to Dial 911

What may be the most important step that you can take to save a life?

If two people are present and CPR is needed, what should they do?

If you are the only one present and CPR is needed, what should you do?

What should we always do when faced with an emergency situation?

What should you be prepared to tell the 911 operator?

Adult CPR

According to the American Heart Association, Adult CPR should be performed on anyone over what age?

What is responsiveness?

What should you do before beginning any rescue effort?

When shouldn’t you shake the victim?

What should you do if the victim does not respond to gentle shaking and shouting?

Adult CPR Airway

What does the “A” in “ABC” mean?

What do you need to do if the victim is unconscious and unresponsive?

How do you check to see if the victim is breathing?

What is the most common airway obstruction in an unconscious victim?

How can you clear the airway of an unconscious victim when the tongue is blocking it?

Adult CPR Breathing

What does the “B” in breathing stand for?

How do you prepare to give rescue breathing?

What can happen if you over-inflate the victim’s lungs?

What should you do if the victim vomits?

How many breaths should you give?

What should you do after you give the first two breaths?

What should you do if the victim does not begin breathing, coughing or moving?

Adult CPR Circulation

What does the “C” stand for in “ABC”?

How can you determine if the victim’s heart is beating?

Where is the carotid artery?

What is a pulse?

What will you have to do if there is no pulse?

Adult CPR Compressions

Why is correct hand placement very important when performing chest compressions?

If you hear a cracking sound, should you stop performing chest compressions?

How many times should you compress before giving two more breaths?

How fast should you compress the victim’s chest?

Should you check the victim’s pulse again?

How long should you continue if there is no pulse?

What should you do if the victim has a pulse but is not breathing?

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