The Myth of Rahu & The Lunar Eclipse
The deities went in search of “Amarit”, the elixir of life or ambrosia. Amarit is made by churning the
The demons thought that they should have been able to drink the elixir. After the Amarit was successfully made, the demons immediately made a grab for the elixir. The deities tried to prevent them from doing so. Narai (The God of Hindus) transformed himself into a beautiful woman to distract the demons. While the demons focussed their attention on the beautiful woman, the deities quickly drank the elixir. Then the demons lost the fight.
During all this time, Rahu had been standing by waiting to snatch the elixir. As the demons and deities battled it out, Rahu seized the elixir and drank it. The Moon and the Sun spotted Rahu drinking the elixir and reported this to Narai.
Narai threw his crystal chakra disk at the demon, cutting the demon’s body in half. However as Rahu had drunk some of the elixir, he did not die.
*Rahu spends his eternity floating around in the sky. He swears vengeance on the Moon and Sun and whenever he sees either of the two, he tries to swallow it. This, according to ancient folk belief, is the mythological cause of the lunar and solar eclipses.
Thai legend says that when the lunar Eclipse happens that means Rahu is trying to swallow the Sun or the Moon. Because of this, Thai people make noise, so Rahu will be scared and cough the Moon or the Sun up.
* http://www.tatnews.org/tourism_news/2837.asp