Friday, September 30, 2005

Listen to English on the Internet

In our morning class, we often listen to English on the Internet.

You can listen to English poems at The Writer's Almanac.

(To listen to the Writer's Almanac you must install RealAudio on your computer. RealAudio is a free program. Click here to read about how to do it.

ESLpod is a good place to build your vocabulary and improve your listening skills. Click here to read the scripts of the stories we heard in class.

Current Events Topic For Next Week

Please use the blog to suggest a current events topic for Thursday of next week.

If you haven't posted on the blog yet, have a fellow student post your suggestion.

We will select the topic, from your suggestions, with a vote on Tuesday.

More About Improving Our Classroom

Today we discussed ways to improve our class.

The teacher suggested that students who only attend for the first two hours sit at a table in the back of the classroom. He said that when students leave their study group in the middle of the class, they disrupt the study group.

Some students wanted to talk about this plan.

Khalil said that he wanted to stay in the front of the class because he has a problem with his vision.

Phung Chau said that she had the same problem.

Mei Fang said that she also had the same problem.

Wing also said that she has this problem.

Ha To also has difficulty seeing from the back of the room.

Richard tried to explain the problem, as he sees it.

He said, working in study groups is very important because study groups are the most effective way to improve your English.

Richard wants you to use this opportunity to learn. He knows that his students can not continue in the advanced class forever. They need to develop skills that will help them to succeed in college and in their jobs. Even students that have retired need to learn English communication skills to help their families.

The study groups are the most effective way to improve conversation, writing and editing skills.

What can we do in our class next week, he asked?

It was suggested that the two front tables be reserved for the students that leave at 10:30 and that after 10:30, the students in the back would move forward.

Hector said that he thought this was unfair. He comes to class every day and he usually comes early, he said. He said that he sits in the front because he thinks it is the best place to learn.

Wing, Khalil and Phung left the class because it was 10:30. Mei Fang also left.

Francisco asked, "Do all the people leave at the same time, or do they leave one by one." It would disturb the class if people were always moving.

Mung Kai said, "Some people sneak away."

Francisco said , "If people left from the back it wouldn't disturb the class so much."

Wai Ping said, why don't you write on the black board in the middle of the class so the students at the back table will be able to see better.

Xiao Yan asked that we quit "wasting our time talking about this and start listening to some music or reading literature or maybe a tv show."

Richard said, "We haven't spoken this much English in class all of this month. this is, perhaps, the best conversation practice we have had."

Wai Ping wants to talk about news. He wants to talk about current events.

The teacher asked that we try to make a plan for Monday. We change the plan later, but what should we try, on Monday, as an experiment.

We agreed to try to put the students that have to leave at the two tables in the front. The teacher said that he will try to use the front board less and emphasize working in study groups more. We will review how this works in the near future.

Xiao Yan suggested that we do more intersting topics like news and current events.

Francisco wants more dictation.

Vivian said, "Why don't that we use the two front tables by the windows because they are used to those tables."

Yan Hua doesn't want to move at all.

Vivian suggests that the teacher create study groups "by mnumbers" every day.

Dickson suggested that we have a day each week to just talk. "No paper, now writing."

Jiao said, give us a topic. that we can discuss.

Francisco suggests that we choose discussion groups by whether they leave early or not.

Yan Hua wants to form the groups each day after 10:30.

Richard said, "We still don't have a plan for Monday."

Han Xian said, " All morning, we have no time to relax. We feel very bored. There is no break."

The teacher explained that the school does not allow for official breaks anymore.

Richard asked, "Is there anything you do like about this class?"

Kai Yan said, " I like the class."

Wai Ping agreed, he likes it, too. But he wants to talk about the news.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I Want To Know about China

Dear Chinese Classmates,

It's nice to know you. I'm interested in making friends with you because you are from China. It's a country which I want to know about. I plan to go there the next summer. So, could you tell me some famous places that you know? Please recommend to me which restaurants are the best?Are there any elegant holtels there?

Write me as soon as possible.

Your classmate
Cam Hong

My first post

Hi, classmates,

I'm very glad to know you guys on the computer because this is a good chance for me to practice both English and computer skills. I'm very happy to share with you guys many things from now on.

I wished to know more friends on computer to let me exchange ideas, knowledge. And now my dreams have come true.

Your classmate
Cam Hong

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

How to Improve our Class

We go to school because we want to improve our English.
I think we should set goals. We should come to school on time. When our teacher starts teaching , we should listen carefully. We sould speak English whenever in the school, especially we are learning in several groups. We should finish our homeworks and ask our teacher for making the corrections. It will better if we have more chances to practise oral and we often write some words about our thinking or opinions on blogger.
It helps us more communications among our classmates and improve our class.

Who is this student?

What is her name?

Where is she from?

What is her favorite color?

What is her favorite song?

What is her favorite pastime?


We should write everyday.

We should use this blog to practice our writing.

We should share interesting information with our classmates.

We should share our ideas.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Learn the Names of the States and Capitals

Click on this link:

to play an internet game and learn US geogrraphy.

While you are at it, click here:

to learn about Mexican Geography

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Finding the Words to a Song

Using the Internet, you can easily find the words to a song if you know the song's title.

The words to a song are called lyrics.

Suppose that you are looking for the words for the song, Right Here Waiting.

  1. Go to
  2. In the search window type: Lyrics Right Here Waiting.
  3. Click on one of the search result links
I usually copy the lyrics into a word processor.
  1. Highlight the lyrics and copy them (cntrl-c).
  2. Open a new Microsoft Word Document
  3. Paste the lyrics (cntrl-v)
  4. Type in the title and recording artist above the lyrics
  5. Format, save and print the lyrics

Money, Honey

We listened to an Elvis Presley song called "Money, Honey" today.

Do you think Elvis is a good singer?

Do you like this kind of music?

May Have and Might Have

Use may have and might have to indicate that something is possible.

Must have expresses certainty. That must be true. (It is certainly true.)

May have and might have express possibility. That may be true. (It is possibly true)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Joining the Blog

Come to class a little early (around 8:00 am) if you want to learn how to get a Blogger account and begin to post to the Room101am Blog.

See you then, I hope!

Writer's Almanac

We listened to the Writer's Almanac.

There was a story about a literary critic who did not hear stories when he was a child.

There was a poem about a father and his baby son.

Must Have and Can't Have

Use must have when something is true.

Use can't have when something is impossible.

For the past use must have and the past participle (i.e. must have eaten) or couldn't have (couldn't have eaten).

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Could and Could Have

Today we studied could and could have.

We use could and can to talk about future possibilities. Could is more uncertain than can.

The past of could is could have.

Could have indicates that something was possible in the past, but it did not happen.

Organizing Your Binder

Please divide your binder into five sections:
  1. Grammar
  2. Reading and Literature
  3. Listening and Vocabulary Building
  4. Writing
  5. The American Experience
If you need dividers, please ask me and I will give them to you.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Today we reviewed "can", "could" and "be able to".

We listened to a podcast about a homecoming football game.

If you want to listen to this podcast go to

We also looked at pictures from our teacher's younger brother's wedding in Beijing, China.

We also looked at Google Earth and talked about the geography of California.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Can you find a classmate in this picture?

One of our classmates teaches Kung Fu.

Her students recently won medals in a competition.

Can you find your classmate in this photograph?

What is her name?

What is this student's name?

Can you name this student?

Where is this student from?

Have and Got

Today, in our grammar exercise, we studied how to use "have and have got".

We learned that "have" means to posses something. It can also mean that a special relationship exists. There are many idioms that use "have".

That is all for now.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Some of the books we use in the Advanced Class

Grammar in Use
by Raymond Murphy
Cambridge University Press
A grammar book

Literature for English (Beginning, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2)
McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Press
A book of short stories

Welcome to the Room 101 Morning Class!

We welcome you to the Room 101 Morning Class Blog.

Look here to read what your fellow students have written.

Keep an eye out for new pictures and graphics.

See you soon!